Minggu, 19 April 2009


· Stored nest of data in magnetic disk, optical disk or another secondary storage
· Inwrought collection from dates that mutual related from a enterprise (companies, government resort or private)
Manufacturing business –> Production planning data, recent production data, materials order data, etc
Hospital –> Patient data, doctor, nurse, etc.

DBMS is a system and the data base on the computer. This system is designed to be able to do a variety of data with some reference data are the same? DBMS is able to access various applications.
1. Bit is the smallest pieces of data that contains the value 0 or 1
2. Byte is a set of bit-bit similar
3. Field is a set of byte-byte similar, in the database used the term attribute


· Is a character or characteristics from an entity that prepare detail explanation about that entity
· A relation also can has an attribute
· Attribute example:
Single vs. multivalent
Single > can only be filled at most one value
Multivalent > can be filled with more than one value with the same type of
Atomic vs. composition
Atomic > can’t be divided into the attributes of smaller
composition > is a combination of several attributes of a smaller
Derived Attribute
attribute value can be derived from other attribute values, for example: age of the attributes generated from the date of birth.
Null Value Attribute
Attributes that have no value to a record
Mandatory Value Attribute
Attributes must have values
· Is a data line in a relation
· Consist of a collection of attributes where that attributes mutual connected to give an information about an entity/relation completely
File is a collection of similar records and have the same elements, the same attributes but different data value.
· File is collection of a kind record and has same element , same attribute but has deferent data value.
· File type
· In application processing, file can classified as follows:
· Parent file
· Transaction file
· Report file
· History file
· Patron file
· Work file
Domain is collection from values that permitted to stay in one or more attribute. Every attribute in a relational data base is defined as a domain.
Key elements of record which is used to find these records at the time of access, or can also be used to identify each entity / record / line.
Super Key is one or more attribute from a table that can be used to identify entity/record from table uniquely (not all attributes can be super key)
Candidate Key is Super Key with minimal attribute. Candidate key can not full with attribute from other table so that Candidate Key is super key certainty but not yet certain on the contrary.
Primary Key
One of the key attributes of the candidate can be selected / specified a
primary key with the three following criteria:
1. Key is more natural to use as reference
2. Key is more simple
3. Key is guaranteed unique
· ERD is a network model that use wording that kept in system according to abstract.
· Difference between DFD and ERD :
o DFD is a function network model that would carried out by the system
o ERD is a data network model that emphasized in structure and relationship data
In the ER Diagram Entity is described with the form of a rectangle. entity is something that exists in the real system and the abstract where the data stored or where there are data.
ER diagram on the relationship can be described with a lozenge. Relationship is a natural relationship that occurs between entities. In general, the name given to the verb base making it easier to do readings relationships.
Relationship Degree
Is the number of entities participating in a relationship. Degree which is often used in the ERD.
Is the nature or characteristics of each entity and relationship
Type indicates the maximum number that can be borealis with entities on the other entity
· Unary Relationship
Is a relationship model that happen between entities that come from it set entity.
· Binary Relationship
Is a relationship model that between 2 entity.
· Ternary Relationship
Is a relationship between instances from 3 types of entity unilaterally?
There are 3 cardinalities relations, namely;
One to One:
Level one to one relationship with the one stated in the entity's first event, only had one relationship with one incident in which the two entities and vice versa.
One to Many or Many to One:
Level one to many relationships is the same as the one to many depending on the direction from which the relationship is viewed. For one incident in the first entity can have many relationships with the incident on the second entity, if the one incident in which two entities can have only one incident relationship with the first entity.
Many To Many:
If any incident occurs in an entity has many relationships with other entities in the incident.

Symbolic notation in diagram ER is:
1. Long square that declares collection of entity
2. Circle that declares attribute
3. Trapezoid declares relation collection
4. Line as liaison between relation collection with entity collection and entity

1. ER Ngurah Agus Sanjaya. Slide Part 5 - DATABASE DAN ER-DIAGRAM.

Minggu, 05 April 2009


Data Flow Diagram

Data flow diagram also called Data Flow Diagram (DFD). DFD is to describe the system modules in a smaller and less easy for the user to understand to understand the field of computer systems that will be done.
DFD also serves to describe the existing system or the new system will be developed logically without considering the physical environment where the data flows, or where data are stored. DFD is a tool that is used in the system development methodology is structured (structured analysis and design). DFD can describe the flow of data within the system with a structured and clear.

The result is a series of diagrams that represent the business activities in a way that is clear and easy to communicate. A business model comprises one or more data flow diagrams (also known as business process diagrams). Initially a context diagram is drawn, which is a simple representation of the entire system under investigation. This is followed by a level 1 diagram; which provides an overview of the major functional areas of the business. Don't worry about the symbols at this stage, these are explained shortly. Using the context diagram together with additional information from the area of interest, the level 1 diagram can then be drawn.

The level 1 diagram identifies the major business processes at a high level and any of these processes can then be analyzed further - giving rise to a corresponding level 2 business process diagram. This process of more detailed analysis can then continue – through level 3, 4 and so on. However, most investigations will stop at level 2 and it is very unusual to go beyond a level 3 diagram.

Data Flow Diagrams

There are only five symbols that are used in the drawing of business process diagrams (data flow diagrams). These are now explained, together with the rules that apply to them.

Symbol DFD

External Entity

is considered to be important to help the analysis.
Data Flow Diagrams – The Rules
External Entities
It is normal for all the information represented within a system to have been obtained from, and/or to be passed onto, an external source or recipient. These external entities may be duplicated on a diagram, to avoid crossing data flow lines. Where they are duplicated a stripe is drawn across the left hand corner, like this.

The addition of a lowercase letter to each entity on the diagram is a good way to uniquely identify them.


When naming processes, avoid glossing over them, without really understanding their role. Indications that this has been done are the use of vague terms in the descriptive title area - like 'process' or 'update'.

The most important thing to remember is that the description must be meaningful to whoever will be using the diagram.

Data Flows

Double headed arrows can be used (to show two-way flows) on all but bottom level diagrams. Furthermore, in common with most of the other symbols used, a data flow at a particular level of a diagram may be decomposed to multiple data flows at lower levels.

Data Stores

Each store should be given a reference letter, followed by an arbitrary number. These reference letters are allocated as follows:

'D' - indicates a permanent computer file
'M' - indicates a manual file
'T' - indicates a transient store, one that is deleted after processing.

Data Flows

For data flows the rules are as follows:
Data flows and resource flows are allowed between external entities and processes. Data flows are also allowed between different external entities. However, data flows and resource flows are not allowed between external entities and data stores.


For processes the data flow rules are as follows:
Data flows and resource flows are allowed between processes and external entities and between processes and data stores. They are also allowed between different processes. In other words processes can communicate with all other areas of the business process diagram.

Data Stores

For data stores the data flow rules are as follows:
Data flows and resource flows are allowed between data stores and processes. However, these flows are not allowed between data stores and external entities or between one data store and another. In practice this means that data stores cannot initiate a communication of information, they require a process to do this.

Data Flow Diagrams – Context Diagrams

The context diagram represents the entire system under investigation. This diagram should be drawn first, and used to clarify and agree the scope of the investigation.

The components of a context diagram are clearly shown on this screen. The system under investigation is represented as a single process, connected to external entities by data flows and resource flows.

The context diagram clearly shows the interfaces between the system under investigation and the external entities with which it communicates. Therefore, whilst it is often conceptually trivial, a context diagram serves to focus attention on the system boundary and can help in clarifying the precise scope of the analysis.

The context diagram shown on this screen represents a book lending library. The library receives details of books, and orders books from one or more book suppliers.
Books may be reserved and borrowed by members of the public, who are required to give a borrower number. The library will notify borrowers when a reserved book becomes available or when a borrowed book becomes overdue.

In addition to supplying books, a book supplier will furnish details of specific books in response to library enquiries.

Note, that communications involving external entities are only included where they involve the 'system' process. Whilst a book supplier would communicate with various agencies, for example, publishers and other suppliers - these data flow are remote from the 'system' process and so this is not included on the context diagram.

Data Flow Diagrams – Context Diagram Guidelines

Firstly, draw and name a single process box that represents the entire system.
Next, identify and add the external entities that communicate directly with the process box. Do this by considering origin and destination of the resource flows and data flows.

Finally, add the resource flows and data flows to the diagram.

In drawing the context diagram you should only be concerned with the most important information flows. These will be concerned with issues such as: how orders are received and checked, with providing good customer service and with the paying of invoices. Remember that no business process diagram is the definitive solution - there is no absolute right or wrong.

Zero Diagram

Zero diagram is a chart that describes the process of DFD. This diagram provides a view of the overall system shows that the main function of the process or the flow of data and the external entity. At this level there is a data storage.

Detailed Diagram

Is a diagram that decipher what is the process in the diagram zero level or above.
Numbering level in the DFD:

In one level there should be no more than 7 units and the maximum of 9, when more should be done in the decomposition.

Process Specification

Each process in DFD must have the process specification. in top level method used to describe process by using descriptive sentence. At more level detailed that is under process (functional primitive) required the specification structure.Process Specification will become guide to programmer in coding. Method used in the process specification : * description process in the story * decision table * decision tree

Data flow diagram levels

DFD Levels
The Context and Top Level diagrams in the example start to describe 'Home Catalogue' type sales system. The two diagrams are just the first steps in creating a model of the system. (By model we mean a co-ordinated set of diagrams which describe the target system and provide answers to questions we need to ask about that system).As suggested the diagrams presented in the example will be reworked and amended many times - until all parties are satisfied. But the two diagrams by themselves are not enough; they only provide a high level description. On the other hand, the initial diagrams do start to break down, decompose, what might be quite a complex system into manageable parts.

A revision of the example Top Level DFD

The next step - the Next Level(s)
Each Process box in the Top Level diagram will itself be made up of a number of processes, and will need to be decomposed as a second level diagram.

Data Dictionary

Data dictionary is a reserved space within a database which is used to store information about the database itself. Data dictionary is also called with a system data dictionary is a catalog of facts and data information needs of an information system. In function to help system agent to interpreting application in detail and organization all of data element that utilized by system exactly so user and system analyst have same understanding basic about entry, output, storage and process. In analysis phase, data dictionary used as communication between system analyst with user. in development system phase, data dictionary used to design input, and report database. Data flow in DFD have the character of globally, boldness more detailed can be seen in data dictionary.
Data dictionary load the followings :
• Name of data current: must note that readers who need further explanation about a flow of data can find it easily
• Alias: alias or other name of the data can be written when there is
• Forms of data: used to segment the data dictionary to use when designing the system
• Flow data: indicates from which data flows and where the data
• Description: to give an explanation of the meaning of the data flow

Balancing in DFD
Data flow into and out of a process must be the same as the flow of data into and out of the details of the process on the level / levels below. Name of the data flow into and out of the process must match the name of the flow of data into and out of the details of the process. Number and the name of an entity outside the process must be equal to the number of names and entities outside of the details of the process.
Things which must be gave attention to DFD owning than one level:
• There are must input balance and output between one level and level next
• Balance between level 0 and level 1 seen at input / output of data stream to or from terminal in level 0, while balance between level 1 and level 2 seen at input / output of data stream to/from pertinent process
• Data flow name, data of storage terminal and every level must be same if its same object

Prohibition in DFD
• Data flow may not from external entity directly to wend another external entity without passing a process.
• Data flow may not from direct data deposit go to external entity without passing a process
• Data flow may not from direct data deposit go to other data deposit without passing a process
• Data flow from one direct process go to other process without passing a data deposit better possible avoided.
- Slide Part 4 - DATA FLOW DIAGRAM by ER Ngurah Agus Sanjaya

Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

fouth Quiz

Information System Design and Analysis

System Investigation Concept (Fourth Quiz)

There are 2 factor to begin system investidation:

1.Discrepancy of gap between system purpose and real condition of system. When there is a discrepancy of gap between system purpose and real condition of system, team investigation started to find what is the problem, learn the system purpose, process of the system and condition when system working.

2.Report of unreal problem detection

We can report detection unreal problem from the following reasons that is:

1. Purpose too much ideal

Purpose too much ideal can make the report investigation can be unreal.

2. Less resources and or manner

Less resources can make detection problem not done especially when detection started without manner.

3. System measuring is not accurate

When system measuring is not accurate, the report can’t use anymore.

4. System purpose are old

The Old system purposes can make the report not up-to-date.

5. The differences between idle system and temporary system

Problem solving:

- Define developing system –> Detailed investigation

- Get the ideal system consensus

- Expand some alternatives

- Select the best alternative

The Goal of investigating is to showing the real problems

The obstacles in Investigation System

When doing investigation several obstacles appear like:

- Time

- Cost

- Knowledge

- Politic

- Get involved


The investigation results are a recommendation that include these following:

- Never take any action –> if there is no problem was found

- System maintenance –> some small problems

- increase ability or user ability

- totally consider to system modification

- put problem into the development system plan

Investigation tactic

Why we need tactic?

- to find all the problem

- to find out the reason

- to find out the best solution

Investigation tactics is very important for the entire elements system so that the system can accept request solution without disturb their activities.

Some tactics that we can do:

- listening the suggestion from system agent

- don’t give beginning solution

- comparing the stories from system agents about similar cases

- notice the logical inconsistent problem

Investigation Techniques

1. Direct:

- Questioner

- Question and Answer

- Monitoring

2. Non-direct:

- Current procedure

- Learn the document

- Sample

- Tabular

System Description at The Moment

- Input

- Output

- File

- Data element

- Transaction volume and action document

- Data flow diagram

Analysis Requirement

Intensive interactions step between systems analyze and end user
where the team development system show their skill to get respons and user trust until achieve good participation.

There are 4 goal wishes to achieve:

- Explain the system completely

- Describe the ideal information system

- Bring the ideal information system at moment with observe the resource constraint

- Give push to user conviction into development system


- Question and Answer

- Questioner

- Observation

- Current procedure

- Document monitoring

Resource problem

- Time

- Cost

- Skill

- Technology

- External factor

Document analysis requirement

- Analysis guide: relationship with the end user, process monitoring, problems in data gathering.

- User requirement: real needs, report needs, exercise needs, and new system influence.

- System problem: explain time and cost constraint, skill, technology and external factor.

- Document such as data gathering instrument, statistic consensus, data flow according to physic and logical, first data element in data dictionary.

Generating Systems Alternatives

How to make the system at moment condition more close with the ideal system condition?

- create alternative to solve the information system problem

- Applying best alternative wisely

Strategy option

- Distributed versus centralized processing

Changing information decision from centralized data processing to decentralized end user responsibility center.

- Integrated versus dispersed database

System planner must consider what kind of incoming data to database and incoming to file.

- Surround Strategy of System Development

Environment are important strategy in overtake company case because information system from other company possible different with company at moment.

Generating Systems Alternatives

Strategy Options

Options is done before the design operational

Designing Operational Options

Options can be grouped into the design

1. Input

a. Online Vs Off Line Data Entry

b. Keyed Vs Machine Readable Data Entry

c. Centralized Vs Decentralized Data Entry

2. Processing

a. Batch Vs Realtime record update

b. Sequential Vs Direct Access to records

c. Single Vs Multiple User update of records

3. Output

a. Traditional Vs Turn Around Documents

b. Structured Vs Inquiry based reports

Selecting The Proper System

Compare tactics: systems based on the comparison of costs and benefits relative; There are 3 ways the system "A" said the system is superior to the other if :

- "A" has a cost lower than "B" and their profit same.

- "A" has a cost lower than "B" and "A" result in more profits from the "B"

- "A" and "B" have the same costs but the resulting benefit "A" more.

Several Comparative Method System

1. Break Even point Analyisis

2. Payback Period

3. Discounted PayBack period

4. Internal Rate of Return

Cost category

1. Hardware

2. Software

3. People

4. Suppliers

5. Teleccommunications

6. Physical sites

Cost details

Comparing the cost of information systems through the life of the system, analysts projected the cost changes for the future and there are 3 models cost information system, namely Linear, and exponentially Step Function.

Information system cost happen in one time and be able happen continuous.

- Cost information system that occur only once the cost ontime and development costs that occur during the development of the system.

- Cost information system that occur continuously among reccuring cost and operational cost where the cost of this is the case when the operating system information every day.

The Information System Factor

Qualitative factors that lead the performance information system that both of them:

1. Reduce errors

2. Reducing the time to fix errors

3. Reduce the response time from the workstation alternative

4. Accelerate the time of providing information

5. Improve security systems

6. Propagate update records on the source

7. Increasing user satisfaction

Company Strategy Factor

1. Customer satisfaction

2. Sales increased

3. Consumer and vendor commitment

4. Information marketing products

Representation Learning System

1. Make short presentations

2. Reduce the detail description techniques

3. represented clearly with visual tools

4. If using a model using a tool such as a laptop so that more informative

5. Emphasize the benefits of the proposed system with some alternative information that is

appropriate conditions experienced by the company.

Decision to continue or No

- If the company decided to develop the information system, the department will do next, namely the System Design Process.

- If then the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) will be terminated.

- Often the problem will be found with the system and the study and top management will usually ask for the re-employment system to study.

- Model will describe some of the stages of the repeated and sometimes the information will make a decision before the repeat stage system of study.

- With the alternative, the decision to repeat a previous stage SDLC or not called Go - No-Go Decision.

Minggu, 08 Maret 2009

Third Quiz


Development of the system may mean preparing a new system for replace

The old system or improve the overall system existing.

Need for Development of System:

• There is a problem (problem) that arise in the old system

The problems that arise can be:

· Irregularity

· Organizational growth

• To seize the opportunity (opportunities)

Information technology has developed so quickly

• The instructions (directives)

2 Destinion development systemat

Development means the system can arrange a new system to replace the old system as a whole or improve the existing system. The old system need to be replaced or repaired is because some things are as follows:

• The existence of the problems that arise in the old system. The problems that arise can be:

a. Irregularity

Irregularity in the old system caused the old system can’t operate in accordance with that expected. This irregularity may be operating inefficiently.

b. The growth of the organization

Growth of the organization must be the establishment of a new system. The growth of these organizations is the information needs of the area, the volume of data increases, changes in the new accounting principles.

To capture the opportunities
Organization began to feel that information technology should be used to improve the provision of information so that it can support in the decision making process that will be done by management. Competitive in the market, the efficiency or speed of information that is not to determine the success or strategy plan and that plan has been developed to seize the opportunities that exist. If competitors can utilize, while the company can not take advantage of this technology, the opportunity will fall caption competition.

• The instructions

Preparation of the new system can also occur because of instructions from the top leadership or from outside organizations, such as government regulations.

3. Expected on the new system

Has been developed with the new system, the expected increase will occur, the increase in the new system.


Improvement of the performance of the new system which will be most effective. Performance can be measured from the throughput and response time.


Improving the quality of information presented.


Improvement of the benefits or the benefits or a decrease in the cost-reduction.


Detect and fix errors that occur and will occur.


Improvement of operational efficiency.


Improvement of the services provided by the system.


• The system is developed for management

• The system developed is a large capital investment

Investment capital should consider 2 things:

1. 1. All alternatives should be investigated

2. 2. Investment should be the best value

• System developed need educated people who

Stages of work and tasks that must be made in the development process system

• The development of the system does not have to order

• Do not be afraid to cancel the project

• Documentation must be available to guide in the development of the system

5. System development life cycle

Waterfall Model

Contains a series of activities such as the process has been described above and presented in a separate process, such as the requirement specification, design implementation software, testing . After each step is defined, this step in the sign off and followed the development in the next step.

The steps that are important in this model is

  • The analysis and specification

Services, goals and constraints resulting from consultation with users system. Then everything is made in the form that can be understood by users and staff developers.

  • Design systems and software

Divide the system design process needs to be system software or hardware. The process produces an overall system architecture. Design software, including the functions of system software that may be in the form of the transformation in one or more programs that can be run.

  • Implementation and unit testing

During this stage, the design software we realize as a complete program or program unit. Test units, including units that each test according to specification.

  • Integration and system testing

Unit tested and integrated into the system that the program can complete requirements for the software has been met. After testing, the system was delivered to the customer

  • Operation and maintenance

This phase is long. System installed and used. Maintenance, including correction of errors not found in the previous step. Improvements to the implementation of the system and increasing service needs of the new system as found.

RAD Model

  • Rapid Application Development
  • The development of s / w in sekuensial linier
  • adaptation do high speed, can be made in pace with the development approach component-based
  • If the data, clear analysis, and the scope of small
    the RAD can be used with both
  • Often also called a 'high speed version' of waterfall model,
  • Emphasis on development cycles a short
  • RAD approach to follow the following phases;
  • Business modeling, the flow of information from model with the function;
    information is affecting business, who appear, who is issue, the information I given, Who processing?
  • Data modeling; Part of the modeling business defined in a set of data objects.
  • The characteristics (attributes) of each object identified and related
  • The process of modeling, the object data will be implemented on the business functions.
  • Descriptions for the built additional modifications, deletion, or return the data object.
  • Data modeling; Part of the modeling business defined in a set of data objects.
  • The characteristics (attributes) of each object identified and related
  • The process of modeling, the object data will be implemented on the business functions.
  • Descriptions for the built additional modifications, deletion, or return the data object.
  • Application generation, Conducting re-use components that have (if possible)
  • Or make use of return components if required.
  • Testing / turnover, the RAD emphasizes the use of return and program components are ready to test

Weakness RAD

  • Model of the (project scale), resources requires good and solid
  • Requires commitment developer and the same user to be completed quickly accordance with the plan

Spiral model

Spiral model describes the process as a spiral which is divided into 4 quadrants:
process in accordance with the cycle using the prototyping approach.

• Planning
namely the duties to plan, gather for the alternative system that will have • Risk Analysis
is to evaluate the alternatives based on the objectives and constraints. Included here to identify the certainty and risk

• Engineering
that is a task that is required to build one or more statements of this section

• Customer Evaluation.
Re-evaluate the system that was created with the customer

6.System development approach

• A structured approach versus classical approach (seen from the methodology used)
• Piecemeal approach versus system approach (seen from the target to be achieved)
• The bottom-up approach versus
top-down approach (seen from how to determine the needs of the system)
• Total-system approach versus modular approach (seen from the way the developing)
• Great loop- approach versus
evolutionary approach approach (seen from the technology that will be used)

A structured approach versus classical opponent approach

Classical approach

• Stages in SDLC-stage
• not to include users, system analysts put more emphasis
• The problem: the development of hard, expensive treatment, the possibility of error, success is less assured, the problems in the implementation of

Structured approach

• User involvement from the beginning to determine the needs of the system
• Using tools-tools such as data flow diagrams

Piecemeal approach versus system approach

Piecemeal approach

• Emphasizing on an application or event
• don’t override the overall target

System approach

• Viewing the system as a whole is unity
• Emphasizing the achievement of overall objectives

Bottom-up approach versus top-down approach

Bottom-up approach

• Starting from the bottom level of the operational
• It is the characteristics of classical
• Known by the term data-analysis

Top-down approach

• Starting from the top-level strategy planning
• It is the characteristics of structured
• Also known to the decision-analysis

Total-system approach versus modular approach

Total-system approach

• Develop a system simultaneously and comprehensively
• It is the characteristics of classical approach

Modular approach

• break a complex system into parts of a simple
• System to be developed on time, easy to understand and kept
• It is the characteristics of structured

Great loop- approach versus evolutionary approach approach

great-loop approach approach

• Develop a system simultaneously using the advanced technology
• At risk and spend a lot of high cost

evolutionary approach approach

• Applying advanced technology for application-specific applications
• Developed for the needs
• Save the cost and can follow the development of technology

7. Methodology, method and algorithm

• Methodology

Is methods used in science

• Method

A systematic way to grind

• Algorithm

Sort-order the procedure to solve a problem

8. Classification of development methodology

Functional decomposition

– Emphasizing the breakthrough system subsystem

– Example: HIPO, Stepwise refinement, iterative stepwise refinement, information hiding


– Emphasizing on the characteristics of the data processed

Data-flow oriented: modules according to the type of data elements

Data-structure oriented: structure of the input and output


– Usually provided by the manufacturer of the software

9. Tool for developing a system

• Shaped graph: HIPO, SADT, Jackson’s diagram, etc.

• Tools that use the chart:

1. Activity charting: describes the activity, for example: Gant chart, flowchart, etc.

2. Layout charting: Describes the layout

3. Personal relationship charting: describes the relationship of personnel, for example: organization charts, work distribution chart

10. Techniques used for the development of the system include:

Engineering Project Management: CPM, pert
Technical Fact Finding: Interview, Observation, questionnaire, Sampling
Engineering Cost Analysis
Technical Running Meetings
Technical Inspection

11. System analyst & programmer

Systems analyst is a person who analyzes the system with learning
problems that arise and determine the needs of users and
identify solutions that reasonless (better understand the aspects
business and computer technology).

Programmer who is writing code for an application program
based on a design made by the system analysts (better understand
computer technology).

Analysts duty system bridge the knowledge gap that occurs between the user and system programmers.

Knowledge that is required

• Technology data processing, computer programming and

• Knowledge of general business

• quantitative methods: regression, linier programming, etc.

• problem-solving expertise

• Skills of communication between personnel

• Expertise foster relationships between personnel



information system

Elementary concept system

System there are two approaches that is procedure and system, system is networks work from procedure approach System represent the more pressing job network at sequence operate for in the system

which each other in circuit, gathering with to do conduct an activity or to finish a certain target, in this case procedure is a n sequence operate for clerical, what usually entangle some people in, and applying to guarantee the business handling from transaction.

Components of System

In system there are component which is have interaction to with the meaning each other working along to form one unity, component- element or component of system form a n subsystem or part of system each; every sub of system have the nature of from system to run a n certain function of process of system by totally.

Definition of System

Definition of System represent definition an system with the other system or with external environment, definition of system this enable a n system in viewing as one unity.

External environment of system.

Environmental outside system is whatever reside in definition of system influencing operation of system, environmental outside system can take care of to profit and can take care of to harm, beneficial which can is energy of system and thereby have to taking care of, and external environment which harm have to in taking care of and controlled.

Link of system

Link of system represent link media between one system with the other system, output of subsystem will become input for the subsystem of the other through link.

Input of System

Input is result of from process of energy to become output which good for and rest of dismissal, output can in the form of input for other subsystem,

Processing of system

An system can have a[n part of processor to change input become output, a[n production system will process input in the form of raw material and other materials become output in the form of finished goods

Target of System

system have target and target if a system don't have the target of hence operation of system of no use, and target told to succeed the goal or target of system come real

Classification of System

System can be classified from some viewpoint, like:

1. Abstraction System

System Abstraction is the system that represent idea or mind which do not see physically, it’s a system which in the form of idea of relation between human being with the god

2. Natural System

Natural system is system that happened by natural process, for example system rotation of earth, system made by human is the system which designing by human

3. Certain System

Certain System operate with behavior which have earned predicts, so that output of system can forecasting, computer system is the certain system its behavior earn ascertaining pursuant to program which have running, indefinite system [is] system which condition of its future cannot predicting and content by probability element

4. Closed System

Closed System is the un relation system with the environment, this system working with automatically without

Elementary concept of information

less getting system of information will become cretin and finally end, source of from information is data, data represent plural form from is singular, data is fact depicting a[n occurrence and unity of reality, occurrence is something that happened at the time

Information is data which in processing to become more form good for and more meaning to accepting

Information cycle

Data represent form which still raw so that require to be processed by more processed data continued pass an model to be yielded information

Data processed to produce information use an certain model, for example data of temperature room they got is in set of Fahrenheit degree and this data enter in the form of less of berate to its ordinary receiver accept with set of Celsius degree, processed data become an receiver information model later; then accept the information, and make a n decision and conduct action , meaning to yield another action to make the amount of data return them. The data will

Catching as input and will be processed again pass a[n model and so on form a cycle,

Quality of from an information depended from three things that is information have to be accurate, punctual, and relevant

1. Accurate is information which must from mistake and cannot mislead, accurate also mean information be clear express its intention ;

2. On time is information which is data at receiver may not be tardy [of] information cause represent the basis for in decision making. When overdue decision making, hence can cause fatal for organization

3. Relevant [is] the information have benefit to wearing it. Information Relevance to everybody one with its different

Information System is an system in a organization bringing into contact requirement of processing of daily transaction, supporting operation, having the character of managerial and activity of strategy from an organization and provide certain outside party with needed report

Information value

Value Information determining from two matters, that is its opinion expense and benefit, Information will be valuable if big added significance of expense get it, however needing paying attention that information system is generally used for a few usefulness. To be more continue him most information cannot right across assessment assess its effectiveness